Giving gifts to a couple getting married can be quite challenging. This time, you don’t just think about two gifts for two persons but you need to think of a gift/s both persons would enjoy.

Photo from BridalMusings
Here are some tips we picked up from experience.
Make it His & Hers
Matching, personalized gifts never go old. They are cute, fun and will always bring smiles to newlyweds. Pick some practical items that the couple can use at home or while traveling. Some of our favorites are hubby and wifey matching shirts, his and hers luggage tags, engraved wooden board, bed pillows and his and hers coffee mugs with funny anecdotes.

His & Hers Gift Ideas

Mr & Mrs ceramic ring dish to hold the couple’s wedding bands
Contribute to their Honeymoon
Why not get the tab for the couple’s flight to their honeymoon destination? This would require letting the couple know in advance that you plan to give them the tickets as a gift so they would not double-book themselves. If this is too much for your budget, you can instead go for a gift basket that includes items they can use in their honeymoon.

Honeymoon Gift Basket with a few essentials: Fragrance Bag, Love Soap, Aromatic Candle, Bath Salts
Encourage Making Memories
Help the newlyweds prepare for their new life together through gifts that would encourage them to make lasting memories- non-expensive items that would require more interaction between husband and wife. They can be a devotional book on love and marriage, redeemable love coupons to spice up the relationship, or even board games to play on date nights.

Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages book, Redeemable Love Coupons, Date Night Board Games

Jules & Joy includes bride and groom customized cookies in its wedding gift basket
These gifts not only would solidify the newlyweds’ official role as Mr & Mrs but hopefully would also keep the romance alive long after the wedding day. ❤
Need some custom gifts for your friends about to tie the knot? Consult with us!